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Protect your pets with Scanit Pet Tags

With Scanit Pet Tag, your pets will be protected with our QR code pet tags, so you will not have to worry anymore about your pets go missing. In case your pet gets lost, anyone with a smart phone can scan their tag or visit our website to immediately view your pet's profile and your contact information.

Create your Pet SCANIT account for free and have peace of mind. If you care about your pet then create your pet’s profile to protect it. Its profile can be filled in with important information about it. You can control its status so that people who scan its tag will know if this pet is missing or not, add a Pet’s photo & Video as well as owners & Vet’s Information. If your pet has made new friends don’t forget to add them in your Pet’s ScanIT Friends field.

Are you ready to proceed? If yes, click on the “Activate a Tag” button to start. Once you sign in, you can link your pet’s SCANIT tag, create its profile & manage the information displayed. It is so easy and can be changed any time you like.


Activate a tag

  • Easy steps to activate your new Tag:

    • Log In, or create a new account
      if it's your first time here
    • Choose an existing pet
      or add a new pet
    • Link your new
      tag to your pet
    • Enjoy our services,
      as much as you can!